Monday, July 16, 2012

Employee Safety

One of the things that you have to consider when you run your own business is the health and the safety of your employees. This covers everything from appropriate breaks during the day -especially when they are using computers – all the way through to ensuring they have an appropriate and safe working environment. One of the things which might be a concern is what your office or workshop building is made of. The chances are fair that if you are in a modern building you will find it is up to the latest safety standards, but those buildings which were built or heavily refurbished between 1950 and 1980 may contain asbestos, especially if the building has a steel frame or boilers which have thermal insulation. Asbestos can present a serious health risk to your employees, especially when it is disturbed. As the owner or manager of your workplace you have a responsibility and a duty of care to your employees to manage that risk.

In the past, tonnes of asbestos was used in building and a great deal of it remains in place in those buildings. It is only going to become a health risk if the fibers are disturbed and released into the air. This could occur during remodeling or if any sort of structural damage occurs. Asbestos exposure is believed to be the cause of death for between 3000 and 10000 individuals every year, a clear indication of why such a risk must be properly managed. If your workplace was built during the period of time when asbestos was a popular material then the best course of action is to call in a professional to perform an asbestos assessment. They will be able to tell you if it is safe to leave it alone or if abatement is necessary.

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