Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Body Modification and Business

One of the things that my father always told us growing up was that if we ever wanted to get ahead in the world of business we would have to make sure we had the right appearance. He taught us to be tidy and clean. To always be clean shaven and to dress smartly. Then when it became the fashion
Would You Employ This Man?
to get tattoos, or even piercings, he warned us that we should never mark up our bodies that way or we would never get a job.

I have never really been interested in getting a tattoo or piercing my ears – or any other body part for that matter so it was never an issue for me. My brother on the other hand got a couple of tattoos, but thankfully he was clever enough to only get them where they would be easily covered by his shirt so they have never really presented a problem. However, I see a lot of yung people who are covered in tattoos and various piercings and implants. I see them and I wonder how will they ever get a job outside of a bar or a record store!

I am all for freedom of expression and individuality, but how can you put that ahead of a successful career. I urge any young person who is interested in body modification to make sure they think things through. Ask yourself if it is going to affect an employers' impression of you and if the answer is yes then it probably isn't the best of ideas.

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