Friday, August 24, 2012

The Taboo of Body Modification

mmmm scarification!
mmmm scarification! (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As I have touched on before, not many people in the business world can get away with body modification as it is still seen in a bad light. You will perhaps glimpse the odd tattoo or ear piercing in the business community, but for the most part anything else needs hidden under the shirts and suits! However, while I do believe that it can work against you in the business world, that doesn't mean I am not more than a little bit intrigued by it. Some of the more extreme types of body modification are like works of art. Take scarification as an example. At the most basic level it is simply cutting or scratching the skin to leave an intentional scar, but at its best it is an intricate as any tattoo. Many individuals even choose to have ink applied to the design before it heals over to add color. While this is seldom as vibrant as a tattoo it can still look great. Alternatively an tattoo can be applied once the scarring has fully healed. It can take up to 2 years to complete and heal a scarification.

Similarly, branding is also becoming popular. It also involves the removal of skin, but in this instance the skin is actually burned away in designs resulting in a much darker color of scarring. This is perhaps among the most painful of all body modifications. Both scarification and branding are definitely not suitable for the business world if they are in full view, but if it is your thing and you can cover it with your clothing then it is a personal choice. So whether it is needles and ink or branding irons and surgical blades a general rule of thumb for the world of business is that it must be unseen when wearing short sleeves.

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