Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Carpet Drying Techniques

If your carpeting has received some water damage you need to know what to do for the best in order to dry it out and minimize the damage.

Your carpets will in all likelihood have some kind of padding underneath and this pad provides a cushion and gives your carpet that springy feel when you walk upon it. Unfortunately being spongy these pads soak up water quickly, it is these rather than the carpet fibers themselves that collect the water.

You should never leave acarpet to dry by itself if you have had a large spillage of fluid on to it, small spills are fine, as long as you use something such as paper towels to soak up the excess, and give the affected area a thorough clean afterwards. However, waterlogged carpets should not be left to dry by themselves, because they will not, and all that will happen is that mold will grow and before you know it you will have to replace the entire carpet.

To thoroughly dry the padding many commercial and professional carpet drying companies will need to separate the padding from the carpet fibers, once this has been done, powerful fans are utilized in order dry the carpet fibers and padding before the dreaded mold and mildew gets a chance to form.

Of course even a professional carpet cleaning company cannot always save your carpet, and this especially applies to situations where the carpet has been contaminated by so called “black water”, this is water that contains sewage for example. This is a situation that calls for the carpet to be replaced as it is too much of a health risk, if you have “grey water” which is water from a washing machine or shower for example then you will need to dispose of the pad but the carpet fibers can be cleaned and saved.

So depending on what kind of flooding you have suffered there is a good chance that you will be able to keep your existing carpet rather than have to pay for a new one.

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