Monday, August 20, 2012

Dealing With Water Damage in Commercial Buildings

If your commercial property suffers a burst pipe, a flood or if the sprinkler system is flooded it can cause a massive amount of damage to your building, your documents, wiring, elements and everything else contained in the building. If your business require you to house your customers' property the you may end up having to cover the cost of replacing anything that is lost or damage due to the water damage. Water damage in any commercial property an be financially devastating and I highly recommend getting flood insurance.

Floods which are a result of hurricanes or heavy rainfall can cause water to flood two or more floors depending on the severity of the weather conditions, it can also ring in debris from outside. This includes matter carried form the street, rivers, creeks and sewers. Water damage can be devastating both in terms of the damage and financially. It may be too dangerous to allow people to enter the building following a flood because there could be structural damage and if the power is still on there could be loose wiring which is still live making it even more dangerous. As a business owner you have a duty of care to both your employees and your customers. You will need to ensure that the power is turned off even before any professional flood clean-up services enter the property.

Once the building has been made safe, your insurance provider can come in to assess the damages before anything is fixed. However, some flood services will actually help you through this process and often your insurer will actually accept verified evidence from an expert to confirm the damage sustained to the property. It is important that above all else you take safety precautions to minimize not only the damage to the property but also to ensure the safety of those you have a responsibility too in terms of your business.

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