Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mold removal from commercial premises

English: Debris infested with black mold, unde...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Contamination from mold is not just limited to private dwellings, commercial properties such as offices and warehouses can succumb too. A mold outbreak is a serious risk to the health of anyone who is working in such a contaminated atmosphere and this is especially true of black mold which is the most dangerous of all molds.

Even though you may not be able to see the mold, it doesn’t mean that it is not a danger to health, mold is toxic and can contribute to what has become known as “sick building syndrome” and this in turn can make people ill. The problem with sick building syndrome is that even though no mold is visible or can be smelt, the actual building is the cause of the problem and this has a knock-on effect for the business as a whole, as it is their responsibility.

To multiply and survive mold needs a good temperature, an undisturbed spot and moisture, so an area that is suffering from the damp and the cold can expect to be susceptible to mold growth.
If you need to remove mold then it is essential that you hire a professional company that has the experience and the know how to remove mold quickly and safely. A professional mold removal company will use the latest tools and techniques to remove the mold by removing all traces of mold from behind drywall and from carpeting etc. All items that need to be removed from the premises should be done so by being placed inside sealed bags, as this will prevent contamination spreading into the rest of the building.

The affected area should be isolated in order that any mold spores that have been disturbed do not filter throughout the rest of the building, also when handling contaminated materials safety equipment will need to be worn. If the people you have hired do not follow these simple safety rules then they are not professional mold removal experts and you will need to take action to replace them.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Body modifications can affect your chances of getting that job

Multiple piercings and tattoos
Multiple piercings and tattoos (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There is more and more competition in the job market as the economy struggles to pick itself off of the floor, and that means that people who have a lot of body art or body modifications often get overlooked for a lot of high profile big earning job vacancies. There are still a large number of employers who have a low opinion of people with prominent body modifications, and these prominent body modifications can often leave you at the bottom of the “to be interviewed” pile time after time, which can leave you feeling low and frustrated.
So here are my tips to help you get that job that you want.

It is ok to stand up and declare that you will not cover up your body art for anyone, but that attitude is not going to pay the bills, so it may be time to be less rebellious and cover up just for a few hours.

There is some good news though, as more and more businesses are losing their inhibitions when it comes to body modification and are changing their policies to allow certain body art and piercings. You may well be aware that most fast food outlets allow body piercings so long as they are covered up, but this kind of job is not good to someone with a family to support. But there are other larger companies with better paid jobs at companies such as Home Depot, Blockbuster and Amazon who do not discriminate against people with body art or piercings. However, you should be aware that attitudes may differ from one part of the country to the next, so it is still down to you to do some research and discover just who has what rules when it comes to employing people with noticeable body modifications.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Basics of Commercial Plumbing

English: Water and Sewage pipes of a Jerusalem...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When you are in charge of business premises, it is very important to ensure that the plumbing is in order. That usually means having the number of a really great commercial plumbing service on hand when needed. When it comes to your business you cannot afford to compromise on quality just to save money, so you will need an expert plumbing service who offer good value for money.

It is essential that you choose a professional company which is fully licensed and insured to work in your area. We have offices not only all over the USA but also in Europe and Australia, so it is equally important that we have a great plumbing service in Sydney and a great service in New York! I have noticed the licensing varies from place to place so check out local requirements when making your choices. When you have a really great professional who you can trust it takes a load off your mind.

In addition, it is important to ensure your chosen plumbing service has experience in commercial plumbing services and not just residential. These are very different beasts! After all, a household bathroom sees use from 4 or 5 people on average each day, a bathroom in an office will be used by around 100 people! Ensuring that the plumbing in your place of work is in great condition is a big responsibility so finding the right professional to assist is very important. Once you find someone hold onto them!